School Daze
This slide show varies somewhat from the others because it emphasizes reminiscence and student bloopers – lots of funny word games, but no trivia quizzes. It’s a chance to stir up fond memories and laugh at mistakes, not to test your residual knowledge of geometry.
- The reminiscence/discussion topics include elementary school memories, rules for teachers, influential teachers, high school and/or college years, and retro romance (reunion connections).
- The 6 word games include definitions made up by young children, Grammar for Grins, complicated proverbs, and three variations on student misunderstandings needing correction.
For fun with specific subjects, check out Literature Lite and Nimble Numbers. And there’s plenty of biology in Animal Antics, Bird Brains, Bees and Butterflies and In the Garden. Coming soon: slide shows on geography and foreign languages.
106 Slides
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Digital Bingo Cards
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Digital Bingo Cards
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Digital Bingo Cards
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Digital Bingo Cards
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Slideshows | Digital Downloads
We’re talking not about time, but of ties by blood, marriage, and love in more than a dozen surprisingly relatable exercises. There are 16 distinct exercises here that provide quizzes and discussion topics for life engagement professionals, family reunions, and other intergenerational gatherings, or just to keep dinner conversation interesting. The topics range from names (How many people share your name?), birth order, childhood freedoms, and family stories, to your creative legacy and what to call grandparents. Reminiscence ideas cover ancestors, siblings, and other current relatives. One of the word games is on related (but opposite) proverbs, and one of the trivia quizzes is on famous siblings. 135 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.