Presidential Matters
Politics have become highly controversial in recent years – maybe always? This slide show introduces the U.S. Presidents and First Ladies in a more lighthearted way with six trivia quizzes that cover a lot of presidential tidbits from pets to peculiar breakfast habits, plus presidential inaugurations, First Lady accomplishments and First Lady firsts, and what you may not know about the Lincoln bedroom. It ends with an invitation to discuss some of Presidents Eisenhower’s quotes. He was the last President who was a military general and served as Supreme Commander of the troops landing in France on D-Day in World War II. Yet he hated war.
This is a slide show that humanizes a remarkable group of men and women – about 100 people out of an estimated 545 million Americans since our country began. We think you’ll find it both fun and fascinating.
Here is a sample excerpt.
130 Slides
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Digital Bingo Cards
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Who knew there were so many activities related to this topic? From the longest day of daylight (or in some parts of the globe, months of daylight) to trivia quizzes on quirky longest things and longest things in nature and in sports, to fill-in-the-blank word games to imaginative and reminiscence exercises all related to long, these 9 separate activities will keep you and others cheerfully engaged more than all day long. 114 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.
Digital Bingo Cards
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