Golly, We’re Gullible!
Inspired by April Fool’s Day, but fun anytime, this slide show features the following:
- Trivia quizzes that ask, “How gullible are you?” and “Whom can you trust?”
- A word game with joke and hoax rhymes
- Discussions on the gullibility of children and adults (“Who are you susceptible to?”), Fun Foolery and the difference between being trusting and gullible.
- A variety of fillers including evaluating quotes to believe, hoax vs. humbug, and finding the deliberate mistakes in a Norman Rockwell painting
No fooling, this is a terrific show!
111 Slides
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Digital Bingo Cards
Come gather around the maypole and celebrate spring by playing May Day Bingo. Crown the winner May Day queen (or king). Use these special cards to add a little variety to your bingo game. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

Digital Bingo Cards
’Tis the season for toys. These special cards are perfect for playing bingo during the holiday season and adding a nostalgic touch to your festivities. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF files that includes 30 color bingo cards (9-square and 16-square), the deck of calling cards, a tracking sheet, and the instructions.
NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.
Digital Bingo Cards
You don’t need to worry about having two left feet to play DANCE Bingo. Use these special cards to add variety to your bingo game and DANCE the night away. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. With your purchase comes the ease and convenience of accessing the materials whenever you need them. If a card gets ripped or ruined, simply reprint it! NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

Digital Bingo Cards
Take a walk on the wild side and play ZEBRA Bingo. These special cards can be used anytime you celebrate wild animals. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

Digital Bingo Cards
Don’t let bingo be a drag. Play a free-spirited game of 1960s Bingo. These groovy cards add a little fun to your bingo game. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.