Puzzles Españoles
This 25-page mix of all types of word puzzles is a must have for Spanish speakers. Bilingual folks enjoy the opportunity to do activities in their native language as well. Puzzles are also a great tool for learning a new language. There is plenty of evidence that learning a different language is very beneficial for the brain and is possible at any age.
With your purchase comes the ease and convenience of accessing the materials whenever you need them.
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Digital Bingo Cards
Don’t let bingo be a drag. Play a free-spirited game of 1960s Bingo. These groovy cards add a little fun to your bingo game. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.
Digital Bingo Cards
Come gather around the maypole and celebrate spring by playing May Day Bingo. Crown the winner May Day queen (or king). Use these special cards to add a little variety to your bingo game. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.
Slideshows | Digital Downloads
The title comes from a suitor’s line as he offered a box of candy to his sweetheart, but whether you really are sweet or just have a sweet tooth, this show’s for you. It includes:
- Trivia quizzes on candy names, state fair food, chocolate, and favorite ice cream flavors
- Word games on unscrambling cookie names and filling-in-the-blank on sweet quotes
- Discussions and imaginative exercises on ice cream, other sweet memories, imagining sweet shops, and more
Digital Bingo Cards
’Tis the season for toys. These special cards are perfect for playing bingo during the holiday season and adding a nostalgic touch to your festivities. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF files that includes 30 color bingo cards (9-square and 16-square), the deck of calling cards, a tracking sheet, and the instructions.
NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.Digital Bingo Cards
Spring into spring and play Springtime Bingo. Use these cheerful cards throughout the spring season to make your bingo game spring to life. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF containing 35 color bingo cards, markers, and instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.
Digital Bingo Cards
Do-nut worry—be happy and play a game of Doughnut Bingo. We’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that you will find these special cards a-“glaze”-ing. Order now and receive a downloadable PDF files that includes 30 color bingo cards (9-square and 16-square), the deck of calling cards, a tracking sheet, and the instructions. NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.