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- Word games related to stars, lightbulbs, and light idioms
- Trivia quizzes on starry nights, star-crossed lovers, and light-themed songs
- Discussions on the lights in your life, metaphorical lights, stained glass and other architectural light
- And more!

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The MindPlay Connections™ title on which this slide show is based was written to celebrate beginnings and was paired with a second title about lasts and endings. But "first" has many meanings. Here you will find:
- 4 Trivia quizzes on Which Came First including the order of toy inventions, Entertaining Firsts, and Famous First Lines for both movies and novels
- A reminiscence activity on your "first" experiences (first kiss, first place, things you've seen firsthand, and much more)
- A word game about what rhymes with "first" (Did you think of wurst and worst?)

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Who knew there were so many activities related to this topic? From the longest day of daylight (or in some parts of the globe, months of daylight) to trivia quizzes on quirky longest things and longest things in nature and in sports, to fill-in-the-blank word games to imaginative and reminiscence exercises all related to long, these 9 separate activities will keep you and others cheerfully engaged more than all day long. 114 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

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This wild slide show focused on zoo animals and forest creatures includes:
- Individual trivia quizzes on elephants, giraffes, and big cats, and three more on baby zoo animals, animal sleep habits and myths about forest creatures
- Word games on zoo animal puns, animal group names, wildlife expressions, and matching beginnings and endings of animal quotes
- A reminiscence exercise on your wildlife experiences
- Discussions about animal superstitions and symbolism, if animals could talk, and do they laugh?

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Australians call themselves Aussies (pronounced "ozzies") and call their country the Land of Oz. It is indeed a delightfully unusual place which we highlight with:
- Trivia quizzes on what you may not know about this amazing country and fun facts on Australia's odd animals
- Discussions on symbolic Aboriginal art and Australia's amusing Big Things (listing and showing many of the 150!)
- A word game on "Strine" which hilariously proves we don't actually speak the same language

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This honey of a slide show offers beautiful close-up photographs of butterflies and bees and includes:
- Trivia quizzes on both butterflies and bees
- Word games on "Butter and Flies" and Trying to Bee Funny
- A reminiscence exercise on your bee and butterfly memories
- Discussions on how butterflies escape predators and a bunch of facts we thought you ought to Bee Aware of

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You can take flight with this gorgeous slide show that features:
- Trivia quizzes on Fabulous Bird Facts (extra long), bird symbolism, ostriches (the largest bird) and hummingbirds (the smallest bird)
- Word games on bird sayings (2) and bird group names
- An imaginative exercise on bird chatter.

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This slide show was obviously made for March's St. Patrick's Day, but it offers enough fun to take you well beyond a single day. Here you'll enjoy:
- Trivia quizzes on what you know (or could learn) about Ireland, St. Patrick's Day, the meaning of Irish surnames, famous Irish and Irish-American people, and a few quotes of famous Irishmen
- Word games on Irish proverbs (2 versions), Irish songs, and on the Swellish Condish of the Irish
- Irish blessings

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We've covered parts of fall with our "Happy Halloween" and "Remembering November" slide shows, but this one has entirely different delights that include:
- Trivia quizzes on apples, Johnny Appleseed, William Tell, and fall colors
- A funny word game on "Logical Saints"
- Reminiscence exercises on fall feelings and fall events
- An imaginative exercise on beautiful words
- A discussion on "What's an Indian Summer?"

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This juicy slideshow includes:
- Trivia quizzes covering bananas, blueberries, cherries, peaches, strawberries, and watermelon as well as nuts
- Word games on fruity expressions, punny fruity expressions, and wuzzles (word puzzles)
- Reminiscing about fruits and nuts

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Who knew there could be so much to say about this topic? Dots can be points, polka, balls, and any of dozens of round things. Lines in these quizzes have dozens of meanings, too. Find in this slide show:
- Trivia quizzes on Roundabout Thinking and Borderlines
- Word games on dotty words, pointed words, round things, ball words, lines and hidden lines in words, and lines as lanes
- Discussions on dots and lines in art, learning your lines and adlibbing our lines
- An exercise in imagining the lines in your life

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Inspired by April Fool's Day, but fun anytime, this slide show features the following:
- Trivia quizzes that ask, "How gullible are you?" and "Whom can you trust?"
- A word game with joke and hoax rhymes
- Discussions on the gullibility of children and adults ("Who are you susceptible to?"), Fun Foolery and the difference between being trusting and gullible.
- A variety of fillers including evaluating quotes to believe, hoax vs. humbug, and finding the deliberate mistakes in a Norman Rockwell painting

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With its emphasis on what's amusing over what's scary, the "Happy Halloween" slide show offers the following exercises:
- 5 trivia quizzes covering Halloween customs, pumpkin facts, pumpkin names, urban legends, and signs of good fortune
- 2 reminiscence activities related to Halloween and magical memories
- 2 Word games using Halloween riddles and inspiration from Edgar Allen Poe's poem "Nevermore"

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Although this was obviously written to celebrate the start of a new year, most of what's here makes for year-round delights.
- 3 Trivia quizzes on superstitions related to the new year, the Tournament of Roses Parade, and various alternative "Doo Dah" parades
- 2 Word games related to bells and ringing (for ringing in a new year, of course)
- Imaginative exercises that suggest four ways to make resolutions you might actually keep

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Nature nurtures. This slide show is weighted toward the beauty of the earth with gorgeous photos and paintings and many questions that conjure gardens in viewers' imagination and memory. Altogether you will find:
- 4 trivia quizzes covering your garden I.Q., perennials, herbs, and artists who painted flowers
- 2 word games on garden puns and flowery combinations
- A discussion on garden gnomes
- Imaginative and reminiscence activities covering garden quotes, gardens you have known, gifts from the garden, and your birth month flower

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Did you know the inventor of radar got caught for speeding? This slide show on the broad topic of inventions is focused on what’s amusing and includes:
- 5 Trivia quizzes on the Ig Nobel awards (a spoof of Nobel Prizes), the order of inventions, “Could they have?” (Could Babe Ruth have signed autographs with a ballpoint pen?), accidental inventions, and telling fact from fiction
- Word games related to the invention of new words and new definitions for existing words
- Discussions related to the worst inventions, the best inventions, and the most amusing inventions, and the unintended consequences of inventions (the radar thing – he invented it for war planes)

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Some like it hot. Some only like hot food or hot topics. We've provided a bit of all of that. This slide show includes:
- 3 trivia quizzes on hot and spicy foods, hot places, and volcanos
- 3 word games on hot doublets, hot wuzzles (word puzzles), and hot Tom Swifties
- 3 exercises of imagination and reminiscence related to feelings about hot, expressions related to hot, and memories of warm foods
- Lots of hot tidbits in between all the rest

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We’re talking not about time, but of ties by blood, marriage, and love in more than a dozen surprisingly relatable exercises. There are 16 distinct exercises here that provide quizzes and discussion topics for life engagement professionals, family reunions, and other intergenerational gatherings, or just to keep dinner conversation interesting. The topics range from names (How many people share your name?), birth order, childhood freedoms, and family stories, to your creative legacy and what to call grandparents. Reminiscence ideas cover ancestors, siblings, and other current relatives. One of the word games is on related (but opposite) proverbs, and one of the trivia quizzes is on famous siblings. 135 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

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Unlike my Lighting Up Literature webinar which covers a broad range of activities related to reading, the Literature Lite slide show focuses on the lighthearted side of the subject offering:
- A trivia quiz on the Diagram Prize for weird book titles
- 2 Punny titles word games and a C-F-U Can Read this word game
- A reminiscence exercise on reading memories
- A discussion on a wise author and imaginative exercises related to book dedications, 6-word novels and beginnings and endings for books

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Love and marriage is a topic with nearly endless possibilities for fun. We've included:
- 4 Trivia quizzes - on gender differences, two famous women's views on men, marriage rituals, and marriage superstitions
- 8 Word games - on matching pairs (4 versions), How Do I Love Thee, punny marriages, matching beginnings to endings of funny quotes on love and marriage, and a word ladder
- 4 Discussions on gender difference in laughter, the advantages of being single, marriage advice, and retro romance
- An imaginative exercise in writing 6-word novels about your love life

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There are holidays for both mothers and fathers, but this slide show is likely to be entertaining any time of year. Here you will find:
- Trivia quizzes on good mothers and good fathers in the animal kingdom, and on mothers and fathers in early TV Land, plus the occupations of single fathers in TV Land and identifying quotes by fathers
- Discussions on Mother's vs Father's Day gifts, Whistler's Mother, and the challenges of finding rhymes when writing poetry about parents
- A word game on sayings about parents and children
- Reminiscence and imaginative exercises on what your parents taught you and memories about them
- A variety of fun observations about mothers and fathers

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There are dozens of musical genres to enjoy and choosing a limit for this one to music that amuses still wasn't easy. Find here the joy of playing an instrument badly (Jack Benny, The Really Terrible Orchestra), playing unusual instruments (The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain, The Vegetable Orchestra of Vienna) maligned instruments (accordion) and using your voice as an instrument (Bobby McFerrin, whistlers, barbershop quartets and other acapella groups, yodelers, and auctioneers). This slide show also offers 7 word games from mondegreens to quirky country music titles, reminiscing exercises on the music you grew up with and musical stars of the 1940s and 50s, an imaginative exercise on being a rock star, plus funny quotes, complaint choirs, and a sampling of how to use a biography of a musical star like Dolly Parton to delight. If this one doesn't make you want to sing, you are beyond help! 124 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

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I am a name addict. I love stories about names – changed names, beautiful names, funny names, unusual names. That means this is an eclectic slide show that covers intermittent facts and all of the following:
- Discussion on popular first names from the 1930s – 60s and more recently
- Funny names
- Reminiscing about names
- Word games on eponyms, punny marriages, punny shop names, apt names, So I Says, name clipping, and rock group names vs. roller coaster names
- A trivia quiz on pen names

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This slide show requires no math skills, and yet we hope it is appealing to both math lovers and math avoiders. In addition to numerical humor and a variety of fascinating facts, the exercises in this extra long slide show include:
- Trivia quizzes on numbers and the human body, wrap it up, burning calories, step right into these buildings, and two on numbers in song titles
- Word games on celebrating twos, pairs, groups of three things with one thing in common, and 3-letter body parts
- A discussion on the goodness of 13
- Imagination exercises on the numbers that are meaningful to you and your experiences with expressions related to numbers (Cloud 9, anyone?)

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This extra long slide show is filled with facts and fun primarily related to cats and dogs. It includes:
- Trivia quizzes on cat and dog facts, famous cats, and dogs in cartoons, movies and on TV
- Word games related to expressions about both cats and dogs, words with "cat" in them, and matching the "amewsing" cat riddles to answers
- The imaginative exercises include what you have learned from your pet, naming pets (which begins with a short trivia quiz on celebrities' pets' names), personal preferences in pets, and imagining yourself and others as a dog.
- The discussions include choosing a pet to match your astrological sign, the Ugly Dog Contest, and A Marvelous Dog.

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Politics have become highly controversial in recent years – maybe always? This slide show introduces the U.S. Presidents and First Ladies in a more lighthearted way with six trivia quizzes that cover a lot of presidential tidbits from pets to peculiar breakfast habits, plus presidential inaugurations, First Lady accomplishments and First Lady firsts, and what you may not know about the Lincoln bedroom. It ends with an invitation to discuss some of Presidents Eisenhower's quotes. He was the last President who was a military general and served as Supreme Commander of the troops landing in France on D-Day in World War II. Yet he hated war. This is a slide show that humanizes a remarkable group of men and women – about 100 people out of an estimated 545 million Americans since our country began. We think you'll find it both fun and fascinating. Here is a sample excerpt. 130 Slides NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

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The Remembering November slide show focuses on Native American Heritage Month, Lifewriting Month, and Thanksgiving in the U.S. and Canada (even though Canada celebrates it in October). Exercises include:
- Trivia quizzes on Native American heritage, turkey trivia, and guidelines for giving thanks
- Word games about the meanings of geographical Indian names, Tom Swifties, and turkey riddles
- Reminiscing exercises on Thanksgiving memories and life stories
- Discussions on giving thanks daily and World Kindness Day

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This slide show varies somewhat from the others because it emphasizes reminiscence and student bloopers – lots of funny word games, but no trivia quizzes. It's a chance to stir up fond memories and laugh at mistakes, not to test your residual knowledge of geometry.
- The reminiscence/discussion topics include elementary school memories, rules for teachers, influential teachers, high school and/or college years, and retro romance (reunion connections).
- The 6 word games include definitions made up by young children, Grammar for Grins, complicated proverbs, and three variations on student misunderstandings needing correction.

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Spring is for many the most hopeful time of year when anything seems possible. Using that feeling, we've created a slide show that covers the following:
- Trivia quizzes on umbrellas and the Kentucky Derby
- Word games on spring words, sports, and songs
- Discussions on light through a parasol and spring rhymes
- Reminiscences about spring generally, and umbrella and rain memories, + youthful games and jump rope rhymes specifically

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This slide show focused on the lazy, hazy days of summer includes:
- Trivia quizzes on watermelon and unusual competitions
- Word games on sporting puns, team puns, baseball puns, and Burma Shave signs
- Reminiscence exercises on summer simplicity, special events, and summer jobs
- Discussions on planning your own fun event and quirky parade entries

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The title comes from a suitor’s line as he offered a box of candy to his sweetheart, but whether you really are sweet or just have a sweet tooth, this show’s for you. It includes:
- Trivia quizzes on candy names, state fair food, chocolate, and favorite ice cream flavors
- Word games on unscrambling cookie names and filling-in-the-blank on sweet quotes
- Discussions and imaginative exercises on ice cream, other sweet memories, imagining sweet shops, and more

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This look back is certain to conjure happy memories as we focus on funny TV programs, mostly from the 1950s and 60s. It includes:
- 3 Trivia quizzes related to many early situation comedies and their stars, plus trivia quizzes on Happy Days, Get Smart, and TV pilot premises that didn’t fly
- Discussions on Burns and Allen, Hollywood Squares, Candid Camera and Johnny Carson

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Einstein explained his theory of relativity by saying "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity." Time is fascinating and fun. This slide show offers:
- A trivia quiz called, "It's time you knew"
- Three word games related to time including the meanings behind days of the week and months of the year, timely expressions, and time-focused words
- Two imaginative exercise on what you would do with extra time expressions of time

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If you enjoy Activity Connection’s elimination quizzes in which you cross out words on a grid according to the clues given, thus revealing a funny or inspiring quote with the leftover words, you will love this What’s Left? book. Inside are 26 word puzzles including four for the seasons and 22 for holidays ranging from the common (Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day) to the less so (Australia Day, Chinese New Year). Each time you cross out the words related to the clues, you will be delighted by the quote that remains. Answers always follow on the next page. All puzzles are different from those offered through Activity Connection subscriptions. These are great for group or individual activities or for families to do with their loved one when they visit. Use them to stretch your wordplay imagination, remind yourself of the joys of holidays and seasons, and meet some interesting, quotable people along the way. This e-book is 53 pages NOTE: Due to the nature of this product, we are unable to provide refunds on digital downloads.

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Winter abounds in celebrations, some of which are covered in the slide shows Happy New Year and Love and Marriage (sort of related to Valentine's Day). This one covers the exuberance of Groundhog Day, the Chinese New Year, and Mardi Gras/Carnival. Again featuring stunning photos, it includes:
- Trivia quizzes on Ground Hog Day and Carnival/Mardi Gras
- Imagining yourself at Carnival/Mardi Gras
- A word game of Chinese Lantern Festival-style riddles
- A discussion of your Chinese horoscope symbol
- More ideas for events to celebrate

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This cold climate-focused slide show includes:
- Reminiscences about winter memories – the pleasant and unpleasant
- Trivia quizzes on polar bears, penguins and remedies for treating colds and flu
- Word games on snow rhymes, words with snow in them, and writing a winter poem
- Discussions on winter quotes and dreaming about penguins – What does it mean?